PSCU offers members a draw for schoolchildren for summer courses. A draw will be held in March 2025 for TEN amounts of up to €500 towards summercourses, normally residential.

Summer Courses 2025 Application Form

What courses are eligible

While many parents and schoolchildren will think automatically of the Cúrsa Gaeilge sa Ghaeltacht, there are many other courses thatwould be eligible for the draw, including courses run by:

✔ UrAbility

✔ Dul Chun Cinn

✔ Dyspraxia DCD Ireland

✔ Sports Ireland Campus/ Inclusive Camp

✔ Athlone Institute of Technology, dyslexia/dyspraxia camp

✔ camps

✔ Aspire summer camps

✔ Centre for Talented Youth, DCU

✔ Killary Spanish summer campsand many more!

So how will it work? Entries can be made by parents or by the teenager themselves, where they are a member. Entry forms (that will contain full terms & conditions) must be received at PSCU by 28th March and the draw will be held shortly thereafter. Payment of prizes will be paid when a receipt from the course provider is received at PSCU and the prize will be limited to the course fee.

To apply complete the application form and return to:

Summer Courses Draw, Public Service Credit Union, St. Stephens Green House, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 PH42


Earl Place Office Dublin 1, D01 P7K8


Ringsend Road Office, Dubin 4, D04 A718

or email applications to

or upload the application using the document uploader on the PSCU mobile App